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Think that the US is falling behind? Or is it just an intelligent waiting move? Sometimes …

Fork Over Knives: A Film that Can Save Your Life

A while back, we informed you about the dangers of sugar and according to scientific …

Healthcare is Product Design at its Best

Designing a winning product is difficult. From the definition of Product Design, a …

Update: New drchrono EHR!

We’ve made some phenomenal changes to our EHR app! Our latest update includes:

Update: New OnPatient and EHR for Android!

Try it out and let us know what you think; we always welcome suggestions!

Update: Appointment Profiles!

We’ve added the highly sought after “Appointment Profiles!” You can now create and assign …

6 Ways Health Care Reform Will Help Startups

In the middle of the economic crisis, small businesses are struggling to survive by …

Update: Pick List for Billing Codes

We’re rolling out a highly requested feature: a Pick list for Billing Codes! Now, your …