Do You Have Schedule II through Schedule V Controlled Substances on iOS?

Do You Have Schedule II through Schedule V Controlled Substances on iOS?

This is a question every physician should be asking when deciding on an EHR.

Schedule II drugs are the highest level of drugs legally prescribable and drchrono is the only native iOS (iPad and iPhone) app that has been certified to prescribe drugs via iPad and iPhone for Schedule II-Schedule V controlled substances.

States are pushing to digitize prescriptions so there is a BIG effort around moving towards having physicians order medications in a trackable way, doing it digitally only makes sense. States like NY are making it required, they don’t want paper prescriptions.

In terms of schedule listing of drugs, this is the list from the DEA’s own site of drugs –

From Surescripts site, we were certified by InfoGuard for EPCS. –

Some background, Electronic prescribing was legalized for Schedule II through V Controlled Substances at the national level in 2010 by the Drug Enforcement Agency.

The Question to Ask Yourself

_Article by Daniel Kivatinos, COO and cofounder, drchrono_

Daniel drives direction, brand vision, and business strategy for drchrono. Daniel’s focus has been in the technology space since 2001, as a software engineer and entrepreneur. Daniel holds an M.S. in Computer Science and a B.S. in Computer Science & Psychology from Stony Brook University.

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