New Features & Enhancements for May

Here is a list of our newest features and enhancements.


  • Warning System
    • You will now see a warning message every time an appointment is updated or modified but the changes have not been saved. This enables all users to save their the information, ensuring that no information is lost.


  • Clinical Note Permission
    • If one of your staff members does not have permission to access a patient’s clinical note, they will not be allowed to enter any health information including vitals.

  • Prescription Update for Hawaii Customers
    • Since most Hawaiian pharmacies do not accept prescription for controlled substance, our system will no longer show “electronically signed” for controlled substances.


  • Onpatient Portal Scheduling
    • You can now allow your patients to cancel appointments online via onpatient.


  • Transactions
    • In your transactions, you will now be able to view the amount transferred to a secondary insurance or a patient.

  • Product/Procedure
    • We have added new columns (“Provider” and “Allowed Amount”) which show you the amount of insurance allotted for a medical code by appointment.
    • We have also added a new tab for appointment list based on the ICD-Codes.

  • ICD 10 Implementation
    • You can now update your billing profiles and pick-lists with ICD-10 Codes.