New Features and Enhancements for January

Below is a list of our newest features and enhancements.


  • When exporting a patient list via our advanced report, you can choose whether to include information such as a patient’s emergency contact name and phone number.


  • Our system is updated with the newest CPT  and ICD-10 codes, including those added this year, and can be accessed via our code search.

  • You will now be able to view diagnostic code, pointers and modifier information in the Transaction, Patient Ledger and Account Receivable screens.
  • In the claim status screen, you can see which insurance a claim has been crossed over for per appointment within the status of “coordination of benefits.”

  • As a provider, when you’ve already been paid globally for a surgical procedure (including post op visits for a patient), you need to submit a claim for zero dollars to indicate the service to the insurance. Our system now allows you to submit these zero dollar claims.
  • In Sales Tax, there is now a “cost” column which identifies your profit for each service.


  • When your patients schedule appointments, you have the option to decide whether they have to confirm the appointment online by clicking on a link in their confirmation email.