New Feature: Edit your Clinical Notes Online!


You’ve asked for it, and we’ve built it! A frequently requested feature, you can now edit all of your Clinical Notes from the website. To do this, first select the Clinical Tab, and choose Clinical Notes.


From this window, you will be able to see all of your Clinical notes. You view your notes by Office or by Locked Status and can filter by dates. To edit a note, select Edit on the right of the screen.


A new window will open, and you’ll be able to see all of the same templates as you see in your  iPad EHR. You’ll see your H&P, SOAP, and Custom Templates. You can go through each template and edit the fields, updating the Clinical Note as you do. As you edit your Note, our system automatically saves your updates.  You can now go back and forth between editing your Clinical Note on the web and the iPad EHR. You can even view your entire Complete Note!



Here is a video on how this works –


Contact us at with any questions!