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Dr Abby Nardo’s Testimonial

Thank you for the great compliment Dr Abby Nardo!

Another EMR on the iPad

You know how I love to keep track of all the iPad EMR that are announced or marketed. …

Checkout the first drchrono commercial when you have time! This is part of the vision of …

The Maze of Health Finance

From the outside, the flow of funds in healthcare appears simple: Society puts money into …

Interview / iPad EHR demo video during Health 2.0

At the health 2.0 conference we did a live demo for showing off how an iPad …

iPad EHR / iPad EMR Accessories

Some of the best accessories for healthcare professional are: Hand-e-holder, it is a great …

Printing for an iPad EHR / iPad EMR

We are very happy to hear that the next version of iOS version iOS 4.2 will have printing …