New Feature: CDC and WHO Growth Charts iOS
Due to popular demand, DrChrono has enhanced our growth charts feature that will now include WHO (World Health Organization) growth charts as well as additional Center for Disease Control Center (CDC) growth charts. By including these growth charts on the iOS platform, we provide greater mobile insight for providers, especially for anyone who wants to track progress over time. Growth charts are a beneficial tool for providers to utilize because they easily denote trends, and within a few seconds’ glance, a provider has the ability to understand patient progression or regression.
To view these charts from the iPad or iPhone, tap the patient’s name and select ‘Growth Charts’ from the drop-down:
Once you click into the feature, this is what it will look like:
By providing the capability to view growth charts on our iOS platform, we are giving providers greater bandwidth to care for their patients and to do so quickly and easily.
In addition to bringing growth charts to mobile, we’re continuing to update our database and have now added 6 growth charts specific to Down’s Syndrome, great for pediatricians.
Article by Dane Rasmuson, Support Ops Program Manager, DrChrono.
Dane helps produce product content as part of the Customer Success team at drchrono. Dane has been working in the healthcare field since 2012, including various patient facing roles within healthcare clinics. He has a passion for the healthcare industry, and its ever-changing, fast-paced environment.