Improvement: Required fields for custom medical forms in patient check-in app

Make custom fields required in the Patient Check-In App

In the newest release of the Patient Check-In App, you can now make fields on your onpatient medical forms (“Additional Info” and “Reasons for Visit”) required while checking in patients. While required fields themselves aren’t new to the check-in app, previously only basic demographic information such as name, date of birth, social security number, and email were required. Now, you can use our medical form builder (formerly known as the template builder) to customize which questions you ask should be marked as required. These fields will be mandatory for patients to fill out during check-in, helping your practice consistently obtain information tailored to your needs.

To enable required fields, open up the medical form builder (Clinical > Form Builder) and add or edit a field in the ‘Additional Info’ or ‘Reasons for Visit’ forms. In the field editor, you’ll see a checkbox titled ‘Required field’. Check this box to make this field required in the check-in process. Currently, required fields are only supported by short text fields, yes/no fields, and switches. Next week, required fields will be made available to all other interactive fields, including single/multi-select and fraction fields (excludes headers, empty spaces, and reference fields).

This feature is available now for all of our users in version 2.3.8 of the drchrono Patient Check-In App. To download or update your app, visit our iTunes download page found here.

Interested in trying out drchrono or interested in upgrading your account? Contact our sales team for a free demo at (844) 569-8628 or email

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  <em>Article by <a href="">Thomas Your</a>, Retention Specialist, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">drchrono</a></em><br /> Thomas helps produce product content as part of the Customer Success team at drchrono. Thomas has been working in healthcare and technology since 2011 with a focus on digital health and medical devices. Thomas holds a B.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University, minoring in Computer Engineering and Business Administration & Management.