Medical Diagnosis Code Pick List

Sometimes clinicians and medical staff find it inefficient to search for ICD codes utilizing the preset descriptions and code numbers. We can easily help them customize the descriptions and make their preferences searchable for ICD codes.

Billing – Pick Lists

Location: Billing > Fee Schedule  

Select ICD 10/9 or CPT




  • Click the green “Add New” button.
  • This screen will appear. Select ICD-10 under code type. Then locate the code you want to customize by searching for the code number or preset description.

  • Custom description: Enter the custom description desired. This will be searchable using the Picklist functionality.
  • Picklist category: Enter in an existing category previously established or use a new one simply by entering a new category name. Note: If you want to add it to an existing category, the typed text needs to be exactly as the already defined option.
  • The Diagnosis Picklist can be used on both the Web and iPad version of drchrono.
  • From the Appointment details screen, select the Billing tab across the tab.
  • To search for ICD codes using the custom description, select the Billing Picklist (red arrow in picture).

  • This will trigger a pop up window where you can search codes using your custom description. Check the box on the left to select the ICD code for usage in that appointment (multiple codes can be selected at once and added to an appointment).

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  <em>Article by <a href="">Remington Woo</a>, Implementation Manager, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">drchrono</a></em><br /> Remington has 8 years experience working on products in tech, co-founding a company in Education and now working to re-shape healthcare through drchrono.