Copy Billing Codes from Last Patient Encounter


This feature is particularly beneficial for providers who see patients regularly for routine visits, such as chiropractors, physical therapists, and chronic care management providers. “Copy Last Billing” lets providers copy the set of billing codes applied in the patient’s last visit, at the touch of a button.

1. “Copy Last Billing” is available when charting in either the H&P or SOAP note “Billing” section.

2. Click on “Billing Profiles” > “Copy Last Billing” and click “Okay” in the confirmation popup.

3. This pulls the billing codes from the patient’s last appointment and applies them to the current visit.

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  <em>Article by <a href="">Serena Chan</a>, Implementation Specialist, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">drchrono</a></em><br /> Serena produces product content as part of the Customer Success team at drchrono. She has been working in healthcare and technology since 2016 with a focus on medical records and education. Serena holds a B.S. in Public Health Sciences from Santa Clara University.