Loading Google Glass Electronic Health Records Now Easier

Once you join this group, your Glassware gallery will auto load drchrono’s App as an option to turn on. If you select drchrono in the Glassware gallery and turn it on, it will autoload drchrono onto your Glass. Another great thing about doing this is that any updates to your drchrono App will be auto loaded into you Google Glass.

At a high level this is the step by step –

Step 1.

If you don’t have a drchrono account, please signup for free for the electronic medical record platform here https://drchrono.com/pricing

Step 2.

Signup to the drchrono Google Group for Glass https://www.drchrono.com/google-glass-ehr/

Step 3.

Join Google Group, after step 2 you will be forwarded to our Google Group. We review and approve every user, so please give us a day for approval to the Group.

Step 3.

Turn it on! Go here to do it – https://glass.google.com/glassware/510459622721481033

Watch this video on how to do this –

Question we get

Does it matter if my drchrono account email isn’t my gmail account when joining the Google Group, does this matter?

The answer to this question is Google Glass is linked to your Google Plus account which is linked to the drchrono Google Group for Glass, so the account that is linked to your Google Glass needs to be the account that you use to join the Google Group for Glass.

For drchrono, you only need to load the app onto your Glass and use your standard drchrono login. The way to login can be found in this video.


Run It!

  • Just select “Take a note”
  • Select “drchrono”
  • Be sure to log in first! Select “Login”
  • Ok start using drchrono on Glass!