Update: New OnPatient App in the Apple App Store!
We’re pleased to announce a new OnPatient app to complement our EHR! Please download the latest version of OnPatient and start using all the great new features! The app was designed with the retina display in mind, so the it looks extra sharp on the new iPad! The Onboarding process allows you to collect all of your patients’ demographics on your iPad, while they’re in the waiting roo.! Not only does this give your office staff more time to do other things, but it allows you to easily see the information your patient has input on your drchrono EHR! We’ve dramatically increased the speed of this app; you’ll love how fast you can move between pages! Our favorite new feature is the ability of your patients to “swipe” through the Onboarding process, instead of only selecting “next” or “back.” Another great feature is the ability of your staff members to break the sign in process and unlock the app before the Onboarding process is finished. This allows your office staff to interrupt the patient’s session without losing any data or closing out the app. Make sure you’re taking advantage of the custom consent form section within the drchrono OnPatient app! Check out our post here on adding custom consent forms to the Onboarding process. In our next release, you’ll be able to select specific consent forms for each patient. Try it out and let us know what you think! Don’t forget to rate the new OnPatient app in the Apple App Store!